Editor’s Letter


Seriously – it’s September already? Time just keeps flying by, doesn’t it?

I wanted to start this month’s letter by sharing one of the cores of our magazine, we strive to feature up-and-comers in the field of publishing. When I took over the magazine, I wanted to give those with a passion for writing and/or photography a place to feature their works and a hand in building on their passions. Our articles may not always be the fanciest or most structured, worldly topics but they are written with passion and a love for storytelling. Our contributors are a diverse group of writers and photographers from all parts of life. We are blessed with a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds, different genders, religions, and beliefs and we welcome and encourage everyone with a passion for publishing to contact us to contribute to our publication. 


September is typically back-to-school time, though many have started a few weeks ago.  With this said we bring a few important articles for back to school, including some tips on how to survive and a piece on being more mindful as a family. 


This month we also “tackle” some important issues by highlighting National Hispanic Heritage Month, Suicide Prevention Awareness Month as well as World Alzheimer’s Month. This brings us to our Person to Watch – Lucilla Beaton. We chose Beaton not only because of her work in suicide prevention but also because of her Hispanic heritage and work in the Hispanic-Latino communities. 


For anyone who is struggling mentally, we remind you that you are not alone. Please reach out and speak to someone. If you or someone you know has thoughts of suicide, immediate help is available. Call, text, or chat 988 to speak to a trained crisis counselor offering support 24/7/365.


September is also the month we celebrate Grandparents. It’s always been a time I looked forward to celebrating my grandmother and reminding her just how amazing she was and how loved she was and still is. Though I lost her last year I will always remember to take time to honor her and my grandfather on Grandparents Day – September 8. If I am half the grandmother to my grands that my dear grandmother was to me, I would have been a success. Because grandparents are so grand they’ve now expanded this to a full week -the 8th till the 14th.  And now I love that they want people to celebrate all the grands in their lives, grandparents, grandchildren and even grandfriends. I’ve always loved following Generations United – their tagline is Because we’re stronger together. They have some fantastic ideas on how to celebrate all the grands in your life. This year’s theme is #dosomethinggrand. I’ll be doing something grand when I attend the Grandparents Day event at my grands school on September 6 and I’ll share the #grandies that we take with all of you and hope you’ll do the same. 


As I close out September’s letter, I want to add this little reminder that popped up on my daily inspirations today – “You are the light. Never let anyone – any person or any force – dampen, dim, or diminish your light.” John Lewis.


Till October– spread more love, laughter all around and remember to be grateful for all your blessings. Please, send some snail mail to a loved one.


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