New Foundations Home for Children began in 1974 by Judge Mike Glenn to create a safe and nurturing environment for children who had been removed from their families or faced juvenile incarceration. With the community’s help, the Anderson Youth Authority was born. Since that time, the agency has been known by several names, but its mission has always been the same, to Do Whatever It Takes to Secure the Future of Children and Families. “It is hard to believe 50 years have passed since Justice Glenn’s vision became reality,” comments Steve Dean, CEO. And his wonderment comes from experience. His association with the agency began as one of those juveniles facing the justice system the agency was tasked to help. As Justice Glen has often remarked, he didn’t realize he was giving a young Steve Dean a lifetime sentence!
As Steve was working his way through various positions within New Foundations, the agency was serving thousands of children and families from across the State and gaining a stellar reputation with the various state departments that placed children and families in its programs.
New Foundations has kept a low profile in the community but 50th year plans include a more visible presence, especially in the Upstate. “There has never been a more critical time for the public to recognize foster care needs in the State,” explained Evette Powers, Director of Quality Assurance. “Families and facilities are overwhelmed trying to provide the care and therapeutic treatment required to make the next generation of youth able to navigate the world.”

To start its 50th year celebrations, the staff and community held a kick-off event on March 27th at the Standridge Road facility in Anderson. The senior leadership team, Kathy Krob, Rhonda Gambrell, Evette Powers, and CEO Steve Dean spoke about New Foundations’ past and plans for the future. “The public can make such a lasting impact on the future of their communities,” Ms. Powers reiterated. It is hoped that this anniversary will shine a spotlight on New Foundations Home for Children’s programs and foster care needs across the State.
4000+ children under 18 in South Carolina are currently in foster placements. A third of these youth will experience a change in their living arrangements at least three times a year. New Foundations offers residential and foster programs that shelter and protect youth, and programs that provide support to families. Through these services, New Foundations Home for Children, Inc. brings stability and assistance to emotionally traumatized children and vulnerable families so they can move on to the next chapter in their lives.