By: Jay Wright
Foothills Writers Guild
This millennium began with Coe Camak as our president. Over the years she served our guild, she won eleven first place prizes in our spring and fall writing contests. As we enjoy the coming of spring 2023, here is Coe’s first place winning poem about the coming of spring 2000.
by Coe Camak
The finches come in a bunch,
At noon, in time for lunch.
They hop up and about,
There’s no sense settling down,
If one stays in the feeder,
Another flies around.
They flutter and they twitter,
One’s a strange sort of critter.
Who lands on the window ledge
And then peers in at me.
He’s all beady-eye and bird beak
With a neck that’s stretched to see.
Oh, I try not to frighten him
And do not like to stare,
But he glances comically at me
And then takes to the air.