Mary Stewart Spearman

The love of the written word came first for Mary. A die hard reader of everything southern and full of flavor, her favorite authors are Pat Conroy, Dorthea Benton Frank, Mary Alice Monroe, Mary Kay Andrews and many others. Southern stories that are told with a little wit and humor are her favorites.

After spending more than 10 years in business management, she returned to college and received a degree in Education. Teaching children to read and write was a great milestone in her life. With a belief that humans can reinvent themselves from time to time, Mary is working on expanding herself yet again, as an author.

Currently working on a novel set in the Upcountry with a nod to the Low Country, Mary is writing to fulfill a creative calling. Going beyond just creating content, her desire to to inspire others to travel, read, or experience and create in ways they may not have considered before.  With the firm belief that it is what we do that matters most, her goal is to inspire others to get out and do something that fulfills them.