Judy Durham is a retired classroom teacher, reading specialist, principal, and instructional coach. She has written 6 children’s novels including The Evans Pond Series: Tales from the Carolinas, Patch: An Alaskan Tale and Even a Kid: a story of financial literacy. She tutors, writes curriculum, coaches writers, teaches writing classes, and is a fellow of the Clemson Writing Project. She owns Eagle Education Enterprises and is a partner in Heart Songs Publishing House.
Judy joined Foothills Writers Guild in early 2022. She has served as a contest judge and currently chairs our Children’s Literature Chapter. She leads a monthly zoom cast for members creating children’s books. Here’s her Independence Day poem for children and adults alike.
Happy Birthday, USA
by Judy Durham
Fourth of July, what a delight!
Hamburgers, hot dogs make a good bite.
Fireworks and sparklers will be on display.
Oh, America, Happy Birthday!
Friends and family come, celebrate.
Mark your calendars; save the date.
Strawberries, blueberries in pies and cakes.
We’ll see you soon; now, don’t be late.