Poet's Nook

Poets Nook-Haikus for this November

By: Jay Wright – Foothills Writers Guild

Haiku is a poetry form dating back to the ninth century. It has three non-rhyming lines and
contains seventeen syllables to convey a moment of understanding. Contemporary poets often
craft one poem using three Haiku around a central theme. Our guild’s secretary, Ann Ramsey,
won our guild’s 2022 Legacy Scholarship and also our 2022 Story of the Year Award. Here is
her Haiku trilogy for Fall: a theme/prayer for world peace and Thanksgiving.

My Taste of Fall
Bonfires, marshmallows,
Hot mug of cocoa warms hands
Feel Fall’s brisk hello

My Prayer for Peace
Many heavy hearts
A world shattered with terror
We pray for world peace

My Thanksgiving Blessing
My plate runs over
Table surrounded with love
My life richly blessed