Poet's Nook

The Dogwood at Easter

By: Jay Wright

April is National Poetry Month. Ann Ramsey is currently our guild’s secretary and yearbook layout editor. She recently won the 2022 Anne Brent Wright Legacy Scholarship for writing and leadership. Her biography of Anderson writer Joan Cinelli, One Sweet Lady won our guild’s “2022 Story of the Year Award.” Here is Ann’s Easter poem about the familiar dogwood tree.

The Dogwood at Easter
By: Ann Ramsey

What beauty my eyes behold,

…looking out my window today.

Dogwoods sporting bright green leaves,

…creamy blossoms on display.

The Dogwood tells a story,

…passed from generations of old.

It paints a picture of God’s bigger plan,

…Christ’s crucifixion, His death foretold.

Blossoms appearing in groups of four,

…resemble the cross that held

Jesus’ bloody, beaten body.

…”Crucify Him!” the crowd yelled.

Indentions placed at each petal’s end,

…symbolize nail holes in hands and feet.

Unbearable pain no one could endure,

…throngs gathered for ringside seats.

The dogwood brings new life, new hope,

…for a sinful world to thrive.

A living reminder of our Savior, risen

…thought dead, but now alive!